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Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲
日期:2012/02/14 13:18


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Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.1 )
日期:2012/02/16 01:25

Nur 飯應 (表情39) (表情39) (表情39)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.2 )
日期:2012/02/16 08:04


Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.3 )
日期:2012/02/16 12:05

備定嫁妝, 買定大床...

洋人慣例, 婚禮費用, 女家全包. (表情22) (表情23)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.4 )
日期:2012/02/16 20:36

What do you "want" to do? (沉思)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.5 )
日期:2012/02/18 01:24

No, He is an asian, living in hk. My daughter also come from south east asia and working in Hk for few years . So , if she marry with him that mean we will be apart. (表情20) Of course if she insist, i will support .

如此類推 and James : Can you tell me what is hongkong 例 ????

Did I need to ask him any important things before i say yes or no ????

Hope the experience father and mother - in - law adviice !!!!

(表情11) (表情11)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.6 )
日期:2012/02/18 10:16

1. you have to know "how rich" his family is.

2. find out how much his family likes your daughter

3. find out how much he loves your daughter

4. find out how much you like their son

If his family is rich and likes your daughter very much, ask whatever you want is best for your daughter.

If his family is not rich, don't even ask, you will not get it anyway, why ask

If you like the boy so much, you don't care what you will get from his side, you only wish he can arrange a comfortable home and loves your daughter

If his family is reasonable, they will carry the usual traditional things without you asking. If you or they do not know what to do, go for a marriage consultant, everything will be set and you only need to be a guest of honour on the wedding date.

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.7 )
日期:2012/02/18 10:40

#5, In HongKong, the guy's family is responsible for all the expenses.
(表情32) (表情32) (表情32)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.8 )
日期:2012/02/19 23:10


Not anymore, either the guys are smart enough or the girls are over populated afterall.

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.9 )
日期:2012/02/21 00:59

One thing is only himself come to ask girl parents for marriage. (not his parent, is that no sincere at all??). He say have to arrange the booking of the HK hotel ballroom one yr b4. Then how about her home town?? In fact, do we paid for home town wedding??? Is it reasonable and fair for him as usual?? I dont want to be a big mouth.

四姑娘 He is not a rich quy but high educated = my girl . anyway, My daughter love him then i like him. (表情24) (表情24)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.10 )
日期:2012/02/21 06:04

Anyway, I am planning on not spending any hard earned
money there. Especially, now that the US economy is very
bad. 做美粲,十分不容易。 (表情20) (表情20) (表情20)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.11 )
日期:2012/02/21 10:42

Dear MaMa:

I suppose that boy come to you for the proposal. It really true booking a hotel banquet takes at least one year b4. If the couple loves each other so much, then, all you have to do is tell your daughter what you expect the wedding to be. A mother to daughter talk is always the easier way to settle unnecessary guessings. I think every mother has that dream when the little girl was born. Express yourself see what's the response. It may be sour, at least, the message is thru. Even you want a banquet carry out at your home town, tell her, its fair. There are ways: he pays, you pay, you help out some......Lay it on the table.

James: When my niece got married in US, my brother paid for everything. At the end of the banquet, the daughter came and ask dad for the credit card. I described that as a total lost because my niece is a pathologist, good looking too, she won the Ronald Reegan Award also. Luckily she also married a doctor, at least not that bad, haha

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.12 )
日期:2012/02/21 11:14

Miss 4th,
That's why I am encouraging my daughter to get married in HK, or China.
(表情23) (表情23) (表情23)

Re: Your Sweetie boyfriend (foreigner) 提亲 ( No.13 )
日期:2012/02/24 21:30

Thankyou 四姑娘 and all guy, I hope it will going smoothly...............


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