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兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香
日期:2005/12/15 21:34

What are your views on very young kids of age 5 to 7 performing opera on stage?
請各位朋友對非常細的小孩,年齡 5 到 7 歲,表演粵劇,有何看法意見.

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Re: 兒童粵劇 ( No.12 )
日期:2005/11/26 16:01

may be song writers would write a few opera pieces just for children to play with.

Much like adult singing opera they need to understand what they are singing. Most existing opera are all about ancient stories, dreaming, plotting, dying and love.

Hey men, even I do not understand what love is.!!!沉思) (沉思)

We could start off with an opera on my life story (表情13)
...........born poor, (表情20), failed school, (表情24), no money to spend to keep up with peers, (表情25), jealous of others who has an Ipod, (表情28), feeling sorry for myself when i was punished for being too noisy in classes (表情18) (表情38), .......now that is a challenge. (表情30)

Re: 兒童粵劇 ( No.13 )
日期:2005/12/15 21:36

It would be ideal we could have opera song writers for the youth. However in this profit driven society, adult performers find it difficult/expensive to write new scripts for their performances. For the last 30 years or more, the number of new opera scripts is very limited. It would take an angel to write scripts just for the kids. The consolation is that many kids are learning opera and schools are also promoting it. Lets keep the opera art alive.

Re: 兒童粵劇 ( No.14 )
日期:2005/11/26 18:11

i understand the money bit. But what is the idea behind teaching the children opera? money or preservation of the art. If it is the latter then we should stick to this ideal and get the writers to join in.

it seeems silly to get children to sing heung yill....drink the poison and die!!! They may do just the same when they grow up!

Re: 兒童粵劇 - 粵劇新光 ( No.15 )
日期:2005/11/28 16:24

出發點當然是推粵劇培養年青人在戲曲方面的興趣及欣賞能力,增加他們對戲曲認識,灌輸正確的戲曲藝術觀念,以及培養未來戲曲觀眾或藝術工作者。很多大老倌,都是從細學起, 當然當時是因為生活,不是因為推粵. 如果要等待有心人士寫兒童劇本/粵曲,怕後繼無人. 粵劇新光 - 要靠年青人多學習了. (滿意)

Re: 兒童粵劇 - 粵劇新光 ( No.16 )
日期:2005/12/13 12:36

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old litt ( No.17 )
日期:2005/12/13 13:13

No 16 was my mistake. sorry.

A six-year old little 沉香

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.18 )
日期:2005/12/13 14:57

噢! 太可愛了. Patsy, 你是否華山聖母, 係就恭喜哂. (表情13)

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.19 )
日期:2005/12/13 15:41

沉香,我覺得由16years old 的人演就最好了.

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.20 )
日期:2005/12/15 21:37

啊哈 :) 劉佬佬, 我不是華山聖母.我做網看到他們的相片,拿來這裡供於同好.
TOM, 我同意你的見解不過最大的學生得十歲呀.

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.21 )
日期:2007/04/16 11:12

啊呵﹐Patsy 原來你咁忙﹗得閒彈個貓過來啦﹗ (表情35)

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.22 )
日期:2005/12/14 10:05

理想同現實通常有大矩離的, 佬佬我都想做林黛玉呀. 不過話時話, 曾看過一個(業餘)四十幾歲的師奶扮沉香, 其身型,扮相,唱腔,功架 (仲滾在地上絞哂沙呀) 都似足個二八沉香, 簡直叫佬佬我口定目呆, (拍掌) 呢D就叫舞台藝術啦.至於小孩子嘛, 六歲沉香点都好過六歲陳世美,六歲林冲. (表情30)

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.23 )
日期:2006/01/05 22:01

啊呵, Rainbow,我不忙, 是 LAZY! (滿意)

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.24 )
日期:2005/12/15 21:59

哈哈﹐連我都唔記得我曾經是彩虹化身呢﹗懶懶 Patsy 好記性﹗一陣我會 email 你﹐你留意喇﹗

Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.25 )
日期:2007/04/15 20:07


Re: 兒童粵劇 - A six-year old 沉香 ( No.26 )
日期:2007/04/23 17:32

5-7 years old. what do they care whether it is opera or a play or an act. It is done for the parents benefit. As long as the kids have fun, it don't matter they are singing opera or pop songs, acting as a lover or as a monkey or as a fruit. Children that age don't really know and is just looking for some singing and dancing fun and that their parents approves.
Teens age 11-14 is a totally different matter. Without specifically written scripts, I don't see any current opera stories benefit teens. Peking opera normally put them in acrobatic stories like monkey king, etc. but it seems Cantonese opera are all lover themes. i don't think early expose to such stories is good for any teens.
There are no scientific facts that early contact with opera makes one a supporter.

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