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阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 #1
日期:2005/04/02 03:03


回應立兄的呼喻,小妹冒昧,也末经板主過目,斗胆作馬前足, 為各位大哥大姐設立此曲友聊天室。希望大家頂力支持。大發偉論,各抒已見,只要不是人生攻擊, 或粗言穢語,有辱斯文,離題與否,皆可發表。


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Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.536 )
日期:2005/01/25 00:53

Thank you for the encouragement. You are my role model. not just
in regard to learning chinese, also singing. I listened to your
鐵馬銀婚 the other day. You are good. I don't know how to sing
any piece at all. still struggling with the beats and staying in tune.

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.537 )
日期:2005/01/25 01:48

Rosa: 真是愧不敢當呀﹗你對粵曲有興趣不如找位師父去學啦﹐唱歌好好玩架! It also took me forever to type Chinese at first, but now I'm quite fluent at it; it's as fun as singing﹗你想學打倉頡嘛﹖There's a website you can learn it from, it also provides progressive on-line exercises, but the requirement is you do have to know the Chinese characters first. Are you from the states?

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.538 )
日期:2005/01/25 02:18

hi 思菩, now....don't be humble on yourself. I am sure you worked hard to get where you are now.
My written chinese is not very good. But I would like to give chongjie a try - could you give me the website?
I enjoy listening to cantonese opera music and I did join a club here for a while, but I have stopped going because they are too advanced for me. And also, our goals do not coincide. Their goal is to learn as many piece as possible, so they complete a piece in 3 classes. In that time I would have just barely figured all the pronounciation of the chinese characters. So, right now, I just concentrate on listening to the same piece everyday because my audio memory is very bad. I have never sang before because when I was small a significant person in my life told me to shut up - that I had a terrible voice. Luckily, I have overcome this psychological stopper.
btw, do you have msn? I am from Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia. I understand you are from New York. You are 3 hours ahead of me. Would love to chat (MSN) with you. I have a lot to learn from you

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.539 )
日期:2005/01/25 04:04

Rosa: 我冇 MSN 呀﹐因公司 block 了﹐在家我就很少上網。你找些 one-on-one 的堂就能學 whatever song you want and however long you like; like me, 我都是學了兩年零三個月而已﹐我唱歌的 skill 真的好嫩﹐不是 being humble 而是真話﹔粵曲這藝術是永無止境的﹗Too bad you don't live by me, or I'll intro my teacher to you, he's a very good SiFu!

Here's the site where I learned 倉頡, once a friend gave me a briefing on how to 拆字﹐that's an important concept in doing 倉頡. Just follow the lesson link, you'll get a hang soon. http://www.chinesecj.com/newlearncj/cj5/cj3.php

As with Chinese software, I use NJStar Communicator, it's a shareware, you can download it from www.njstar.com

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.540 )
日期:2005/01/28 15:09

好野! 奀dd
(拍掌) (拍掌) (拍掌)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.541 )
日期:2005/01/25 10:26

嘩! 奀DD梗係餐餐將D十香軟筋散當飯食嘞! 喱招叫咩名堂r ? (大笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.542 )
日期:2005/01/25 18:16

靚女思菩,fun e 艸 hair 捱個撈婆嘩!"艸" is same as "草"; (大笑)

q大姐呀!,我比我張玉照妳珍...珍藏!做乜傢伙妳攞出尼獻世呀! (大哭) (大哭)
我唔制呀! (大哭) (大哭)妳呃人!妳呃人!

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.543 )
日期:2005/01/25 22:47

奀貓﹐你要看你的後身可用 department store fitting room 內的鏡嘛﹐不需要吃軟骨散喎﹗我仍唔知你 UP 乜﹗ ”fun e 艸(草) hair 捱個撈婆嘩“ what the...

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.544 )
日期:2005/01/25 23:13

雖然捱o既客假嘩water skin咗d!不過....
ngi hair 客假 ngin, draw 物街唔 hel 客假嘩? (表情12)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.545 )
日期:2005/01/26 00:19

因為捱 hair 半個客假人 (my mom is not a 客家人)﹐在家只講廣東話囉﹗我從未吃過客家菜﹐你吃過嘛﹖

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.546 )
日期:2005/01/26 01:09

思菩 奀貓 rosa,多谢你地热情帮忙,不过讵台电脑睇黎都系一时都搞吾掂架了,讵话多谢你地,我将讵信贴上啦:


回復 No.515
道什麼是“OS”。請問你“OS”的Full Name 是什麼呢﹖

回復 No.517

回復 No.521
Rosa 小姐﹕
1.我和思菩姐都能夠“READ”到頁面的中文﹐只是看不到“Pup-Up Dialog
2.我們沒有安裝“Korean Language”(韓文)﹐如你安裝後能看到“Pup-Up

我家除了這個在 2000 初年買的陳年舊電腦是採用 Windows 98 SE
都是採用 Windows XP 的。你說得對﹐使用 Windows XP 的 User 不用download

體和簡體中文 language packages 就可以看到網頁上的中文。但亦無法看到
Dialog Box 中的中文的。我上次在“回復 No.483”時已經講過了。


世姪女﹕肥 D D 敬上

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.547 )
日期:2005/01/26 11:42

hi DD,

No, I don't mind you writing in chinese. I have no problem reading it.

OS = operating system. However from what you are saying, it does not seem that updating the OS is going to help; if you have the same problem with XP.

re XP - have you tried setting the default language to chinese, instead of English. because when I was in chinese I used my niece computer and I had no problem at all. Her OS was English XP with default language set to chinese. give it a try. Also have you run all the XP updates. If not go to 'start' and click on window update and the system will show all the updates that the system needs. or all give me your e-mail/msn chat and we can discuss this further without taking up room here. bye and good luck.

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.548 )
日期:2005/01/27 23:56

肥少少小妹妹既然可以上到中文網,睇到中文字,點解佢自己唔上尼呢度,要妳做姑喱,將d留言搬尼搬去呀! (表情12)
妳叫佢將個windows upgrade做中文windows咪唔使諗咁多o羅!係咪? (大笑)
rosa段留言係比肥少少小妹妹o架,佢仲吞pop過 unclechin個老師,連個肥字都吞pop唔打,我仲以為佢寫比 un d d; (大笑)
妳叫佢自己上尼睇啦!多個人吹吓水都好假,雖然如果佢用應門,我唔知佢噏乜,不過起碼可以搞旺個場吖馬! (大笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.549 )
日期:2005/01/28 00:01

你地一天“吞 pop” 吞到黑﹐究竟吞什麼呀﹖

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.550 )
日期:2005/01/28 15:49

吞pop即係吞咗個pop!要成個pop咁吞喎,唔好分開呀,如果唔係就唔叫吞pop,叫吞白泡!或者叫嘔白泡! (大笑)
就好似咁 @T@ ,you know pop?
you knowp←↑→

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