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阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 #1
日期:2005/04/02 03:03


回應立兄的呼喻,小妹冒昧,也末经板主過目,斗胆作馬前足, 為各位大哥大姐設立此曲友聊天室。希望大家頂力支持。大發偉論,各抒已見,只要不是人生攻擊, 或粗言穢語,有辱斯文,離題與否,皆可發表。


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Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.521 )
日期:2005/01/23 18:23

I have the same problem with window 98 and IE 6. For example, when I go to www.songs.hk.st the message title shows a lot of numbers and only some chinese characters. and in the body of the message, there are a lot of blank spaces (missing characters) . I tried copying and pasting the message body into word and nothing happen, but when I select it and choose a different font, the blanks show up as chiense characters and the message makes sense.
I tried the same website in another computer (window 2000 English and same IE as mine and every lines show up OK. So I guess IE 6.0 does not run smoothly on Window 98 English platform.
Btw, I read somewhere that sometimes one have to install Korean in order to read the chinese. I think I will try that and let you know if the problem gets fixed.

P.S. btw, I really enjoy your chat although sometimes I don't understand some of the idioms/phrases that you use, but I still enjoy reading them.

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.522 )
日期:2005/01/23 20:38

I just searched the web and found that there is chinese (simplified/
traditional) menus and dialogs for Internet Explorer 6. I just installed
them (both simplified and traditional) however I did not have any
website address that I can test it with. Could you give me a website
address that have pop up dialogs? I will test it and if if works, I will let you know.

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.523 )
日期:2005/01/23 23:07

哈佬!rosa! (拍掌)妳好!歡迎妳又尼玩!妳真係好人O勒!樂於助人,不過,如果妳可以用中文,我諗我地會易d 溝通;you know 溝通? (大笑)

胡二光哥仔,妳試吓將rosa o既留言轉比妳個朋友睇睇,睇吓有冇用! (表情7)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.524 )
日期:2005/01/23 23:27

hi (拍掌) (歡笑)rosa,欢迎你,谢谢你 (大笑) (大笑)
知了奀貓大少,乜你收猫甘耐架,要成一日多,我寄过本地几个钟就收到回信了,吾通网上都兴过关? (表情12)定你偷赖咀 (表情6) (表情6)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.525 )
日期:2005/01/23 23:41

胡二光哥仔,:萧先生个网页咪即系粤曲网上汇知音O羅;乜妳上唔到去咩?吾通网上都兴过关? (大笑) (大笑)喂!妳貓妳個貓址比我,我比條光明頂秘道妳睇過得唔得?
我早就收到啦,不過我學unclechin個老師咁去咗吞pop之o麻! (表情12)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.526 )
日期:2005/01/24 00:11

你晕左呀,我个猫系上边又或系你个猫笼到都有啦 (歡笑) (歡笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.527 )
日期:2005/01/24 11:48

Hi everyone,
you are welcome. and I do agree that if I type in chinese it would
be "會易d 溝通" but you see it is very time demanding for me to type
in chinese - I just used copy and paste. The reason is: I don't know
how to type in "changjie" or "bopomo" . I can only type in pingyin in
simpliified chinese, but I am a cantonese speaker, so even typing in
pingyin is a lot of trouble. I usually have to look up the pingyin in the
dictionary first; to compound the problem my chinese is not very good.
I was raised overseas and never lived in HongKong or Macau. My
written chinese is probably at the kindergaten level. I am just glad
that I can read well enought to get the meaning of your messages.
Maybe I can learn chinese from you. For starter: what does " 奀 "
mean and how do you pronounce it? Thank you.

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.528 )
日期:2005/01/24 16:30

"奀"sound"'un",under個un; understand個un, unclechin個un; understand? (大笑)
妳返"阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室" ( No.188 )至(NO.192) 可能會幫到妳明白what is " 奀 " (大笑) (大笑)
妳勤力d,睇返以前d留言,咁妳唔單止學到cantonese,仲可以學到d好水皮o既客家話! (大笑)you know 水皮?

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.529 )
日期:2005/01/24 18:54

hi 奀少,
yes I know what 水皮 means. Thank you I will go and read those
messages. so 奀少 and unclechin is the same person then, am I

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.530 )
日期:2005/01/24 19:25

(大笑) (大笑)有d問題o既答案如果係自己find out出尼,我諗樂趣會大d! (大笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.531 )
日期:2005/01/24 21:06

I know the answer now thanks to pinpin.

thank you pinpin

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.532 )
日期:2005/01/24 22:44

(大哭)偏偏...遮...遮!妳人..在..那...方! (大哭) (大哭)妳!..妳快出....來....呀.....呀!有人thank妳呀,快d出泥回謝啦!

喂!妳班嗎騮,有靚女貴客光臨,做乜一隻二隻呢埋哂呀!怕醜呀? (微笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.533 )
日期:2005/01/24 23:17

奀貓大少: (歡笑)你件袈裟老泥几寸厚甘辣挞,臭宾宾,D大小姐二小姐三小姐又点好意思出黎呀,快D跳落海叫飘红同你洗干净先啦 (大笑) (大笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.534 )
日期:2005/01/24 23:38

亂乜鬼碼呢, (大笑)妳地用GB碼,我地用BIG5碼;梗係亂啦!仲亂過我個頭呀!
妳按右鍵,選編碼,再選[繁体中文(BIG5)]咁就睇到隻貓O既內容O架啦! (大笑)
我就係要妳試吓個留言版得唔得!如估得!我遲d得閒掘多兩個窿比妳捐啦! (大笑) (大笑)

Re: 阿立粵曲天地曲友聊天室 ( No.535 )
日期:2005/01/25 00:29

奀少﹐我地中國的神只識得比仙丹妙藥﹐邊會好似 D 中東神咁開埋 D 空頭支票o架﹖唉o也﹐好心你就中國化 D 啦﹗喂﹐你第二願“fun e 艸常健”我睇不明呀﹐這個 “艸”字 reminds me of desert 那些仙人掌多呢﹗點讀點解﹖

Rosa: 我以前都成日睇唔明他們的對話架﹐不過冇緊要﹐我們全在催水 (B.S.解)﹐如 skinny 奀貓 logic, negative negative = positive, 睇唔明咪又寫多些睇唔明的話﹐就自然會睇得明﹗ 這是 UncleChin's Law 呀﹗


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