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震 TUN TUN, 講英文
日期:2005/10/02 18:46



        《震 TUN TUN, 講英文》向各位問好! (表情33)

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Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.103 )
日期:2005/10/26 10:48


(3) 咱倆誰跟誰呢!
Isn't it all understood between you and me?

(4) 敢為天下先
Dare to be the first

(5) 記得單聲禍
Don't forget to alert me, please

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.104 )
日期:2005/10/26 11:37

(1) 在老板面前,請替我美言幾句
我跟Cepui 的譯法一樣。

(2) 飲杯合巹酒
看來無論是Love Toast 或 Cross arm drinking 都無法直指中國"合巹酒",love toast 有沒有一定要交杯呢? 就算有,也不成。
因為Love Toast 或 Cross arm drinking日日都可以做,"合巹酒"就只係結婚箇晚飲。大家認為如何?

(3) 咱倆誰跟誰呢!
We are friends. Arn't we?

(4) 敢為天下先
Dare to be the first to eat the crab! (微笑)

(5) 記得單聲禍
Give me a heads up.

Cepui, 唔該睇下你地對上面既理解如何。

如果我同你講:"Cepui, We have the same chemistry." 你點諗?

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.105 )
日期:2005/10/26 14:27

"合巹酒" 這類詞涉及文化差異的問題, 英文中應沒有現成詞來表達相同的[文化]概念. 林語堂譯為 "the nuptial wine cup", 可供參考. 此譯法的好處是能向不懂中文的人介紹中國文化, 但可能要加註腳, 才能令外國人明白箇中文化意義.


The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
(Malcolm S. Forbes)

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
(Arthur C. Clarke)

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are.
(Anais Nin)

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
(Carl Gustav Jung)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.106 )
日期:2005/10/26 19:46

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. (Malcolm S. Forbes)

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. (Arthur C. Clarke)

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. (Anais Nin)

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. (Plato)

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. (Carl Gustav Jung)
兩個不同性格的人走在一起,就好像物質一樣,一旦起化學作用,會互相改變。 (有 D 了能) (沉思)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.107 )
日期:2005/10/26 21:29

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)
智慧過人者, 當能兼容對立的觀點而思維有條不紊.

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
(Malcolm S. Forbes)

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
(Arthur C. Clarke)
要探究事物有多大可能, 唯一的途徑就是要跨越可能, 進入不可能之境.

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are.
(Anais Nin)
我們觀察事物時, 不探其真貌, 而謹從人的角度觀之.

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
智者言之有物, 愚者信口開河.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
(Carl Gustav Jung)
兩個性格迥異的人相交, 有若兩種化學物質相遇; 如能產生反應, 則兩者皆在過程中改變.

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.108 )
日期:2005/10/26 22:40

如果你同我講:"Cepui, We have the same chemistry." 我知你想表達什麼; 不過我不會用這句於普通朋友﹐只會用在我有"special interest"的男仕身上. 又如果我會講這句﹐我會咁講 instead, "JoeJoe, there's some chemistry between us!"

不過我唔夠斯文﹐所以我同你冇 chemistry 呀﹗ (表情29) (表情28)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.109 )
日期:2005/10/27 02:00

小弟跟Cepui開了一個玩笑 "Cepui, We have the same chemistry." 其實是準備引出一個中文常用的字 --

電視節目 Meeting is Fate ---相識是緣
I have no affinity with you, 或 I share no affinity with you 就是"我跟你沒緣份"。
It's fate that we meet --- 我等相聚是緣份。
緣份也曾見譯成chance meeting, 但不常用。
也有人譯成destiny, 小弟覺得太沉重了。
甚至有人乾脆把它叫 "YUEN", 那太麻煩了,還得替老外做註腳。

至於 If there are mysterious chemistry between two persons, it represents they are "有緣"。這就是文首那句跟Cepui開玩笑的話,但以美國人用得多。


Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.110 )
日期:2005/10/27 10:05

joejoe, "Dare to be the first to eat the crab!" 有何特別意思? 請指教.

又曾有朋友問, "有緣無份" 英文該怎樣表達. 緣=predestiny? 份=status? 至今仍感茫然. 各位有何高見?

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.111 )
日期:2005/10/28 15:32

mok, my memory doesn't serve me right as how the slang is originated,.it sounds like "做爛頭卒". Cepui might make it clearer.

BTW, Cepui, "有緣無份" 英文有冇架?

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.112 )
日期:2005/10/28 19:47

好! 又玩下。請根據下文,直譯意譯均可,用最少的中文字數完成。

The mother nature gifts every single person ,how matter he's poor or rich with out any bias.for which we have been deeply reliant on her .

Especially ,In countrysides,the life styles survie through thousands of years.people grow crops and grapes,vintage and then drink,people keep cows for milk. People cut off grass to grow flowers;people attend church on weekends and make their prays. On town squares of festivals ,people playing instuments,dancing,singing.

The gardens and fileds of the old days are still the nice and cozy homes of today.Each place boasts of its own legendary .Each person are familiar with the wind of his place

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.113 )
日期:2005/10/29 18:48

Brother The Great

Escort you with another dead-cat!Go and get it from your meal box! (表情33)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.114 )
日期:2005/10/29 19:00

(大笑) (大笑) (大笑) (表情11) (表情11) (表情11)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.115 )
日期:2005/10/30 12:28

No.112 [震 TUN TUN, 譯英文]





JOEJOE (No.111) & Cepui (No.116), 多謝回覆!

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.116 )
日期:2005/10/30 12:32

Oh sorry﹐唔知你問了我東西添﹗

"有緣無份" 英文有冇架?

我想就冇喇﹗最多是講 It meant to be this way.. 即好似是天意咁﹔或 It's fate that keeps us apart... 是命中註定﹔fate 同 destiny 都解命運﹐但 fate 可用來表達緣份﹐destiny 就不能﹐ at least 我冇見過人家咁用法。好難解釋﹐好多用詞都是意會﹐不能直譯或看字面而作解釋的。

Once again: 我修理科的﹐所以好少看文學小說﹐或者有但你問我﹐我就答冇因為我未聽過有﹗即是講﹐我未必對﹐不要用我的說話來作準。 (表情14)

BTW: status = 身份/地位﹐但不是緣份那個份。

mok 兄譯得很好呀﹐讀時 D 文字好似一幅畫咁浮在我腦中。小時就好恨住在這種鄉村﹐現在就帽搞我﹐人人識得人人﹐肯定是非一大籮﹗ (大笑)

Re: 震 TUN TUN, 講英文 ( No.117 )
日期:2005/10/30 12:41

The mother nature gifts every single person ,how matter he's poor or rich with out any bias.for which we have been deeply reliant on her .

Especially ,In countrysides,the life styles survie through thousands of years.people grow crops and grapes,vintage and then drink,people keep cows for milk. People cut off grass to grow flowers;people attend church on weekends and make their prays. On town squares of festivals ,people playing instuments,dancing,singing.

The gardens and fileds of the old days are still the nice and cozy homes of today.Each place boasts of its own legendary .Each person are familiar with the wind of his place

試意譯。(非律詩,當打油詩看好了) (微笑)

福澤無分富與貧 蒼茫大地綠如茵
農牧悠悠傳千載 葡萄甫釀醉三分
庭前薊草群芳艷 鈞天樂舞謝神恩
東風伴我留佳話 萬古田園日月新

Cepui, 你"鍾"意呢 D 生活嗎? (大笑)

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